The Two Worlds
I looked up at the elegant night sky.Ahh! I sighed. The colour midnight blue and the soft breeze was very calming. It was a full moon night. I couldn’t help but stare at it. Zach bedtime! Shouted my mum. I had one last look at the sky and then lay on the bed.
There was some strange howling in the night which shook me up. I was shaking in fear and made sure to pinch myself to make sure it was not a dream.I did not want to lie down, I wanted to find out. The noise was coming from the bathroom, so that’s where I went. I opened the door and believe it or not, there was a massive portal!
It was glowing purple and was shining bright, it looked like a galaxy, before I walked through it I promised myself I will keep this as a secret. I took a deep breath and walked in slowly…
I couldn’t believe my eyes! It was a world full of candy! Lollipop trees, hard candy pebbles and chocolate humans! I needed clothes, it was bitterly cold. Which was the reason how the humans could survive.I walked around checking out the amazing Rocky Road buildings.
The day was slowly becoming night, it was getting colder and colder. I wanted to go home. Luckily it was a full moon night so I could go back when the moon came up. At night, I grabbed a bag full of hard candy/pebbles. The howling came back, I took my bag and just before I went in, my tongue had one last drop of wet saliva.
I got home and hid all my candy. Out of all the places I have went to Candyland was the best one by far.