The Magic Turtle
It was shining bright in the sun. The colour of gold was shining right through my eyes. I picked it up and looked at it in astonishment. I took it back home to decorate my new home a bit more. When I reached home it turned green. Which confused me because the colour gold suddenly changed to dark green. I left it on the dining table to see where I could put it later on.
The object started changing from green to blue. Later I realized it had a shell with its neck coming out. It was a turtle. I went back to the dining table after making space to place the turtle but it wasn’t there! I turned the house upside down looking for it and I found the turtle in the exact spot where I wanted to keep it. Great! This thing can change colour and teleport, what else can it do?
I was starting to feel that this was magic because it also did the dishes two days ago. Rrrrriiiiiiinnnnnggggg! It was my alarm clock and I got out of bed, where is that turtle that did all my chores? Ten minutes later, I realized it was all a dream.