The flickering light: version 2
America moves to the final, reads the front headline in the newspaper. I read the next few words, It was a great game with Jeff Anderson’s last minute smashing uppercut. I could hear my heart thumping with excitement, pearls of sweat trickled down my face and then I let out a big roar,Yes!
Day by day I waited, the finals were coming up soon enough. I could not wait to see Jeff Anderson smash punches at the opponent. My room was full of it. Posters, gloves, jerseys, autographs and much more! I, Tom Hudson is a big fan of Jeff Anderson. Everyday I felt the smooth card on the tickets.
June 20, this was the big day. USA vs Russia. It was a good fight.I watched Jeff closely watching his movements and his way of attacking.
Pow! One punch was so hard and it hit Jeff in the mouth but he was still playing. The Russian competitor pinned him down and Jeff was about to lose when…
One of the lights in the stadium started flickering and after that moment Jeff threw a barrage of punches at the opponent. He breaks his jaw which caused him to forfeit. There was a pause in the stadium and then a roar. A very loud roar.
Two days later, there was an interview, “The second the light started flickering you just boosted how?” “The punches I did were a trick my father told me when I was young. We call it an electricity punch. When the light started flickering, it reminded me of the move.” In the end I thank the light flickering.