Evil Magic of Witch Perkins
Jordan looked out the corner of the abandoned alleyway.The cauldron had a gleaming green colour liquid, bubbles jumped out of it and it slowly formed into a green green devil that was rising from the pot.The witch looked a load more evil underneath among the darkest of clouds which was a usual sight in Seathwaite. It was her, the one he always knew and despised.Here in Seathwaite. She cackled and looked up at the clouds greedily as soon she was engulfed with greed. She was the reason he lived in an abandoned garage for years completely unknown.
He loved going away and hiding from the rest of the world. Especially where you need to be very sneaky and it feels like you are on a secret mission. This witch had been looking around for Jordan’s family, they were spread out all over England. Jordan lived with his older sister. The last time he saw his parents was 7 years ago when they were moving away. She attacked his brother and then everybody went in all directions boarding a different train in panic to hide from the witch, then all the trains went in different directions.
Jordan was shaking and crying all through the train ride. While his sister, being thirteen at that time, consoled him. They decided to stay in the train for as long as possible. They spent 6 hours in the train and stopped in Seathwaite. Taking all their savings of food, Jordan and his sister scrambled around to find a way out without a ticket. That day luck was on their side, there were valid tickets on the floor which worked. After that, it was finding a place to live. They were looking out for any public housing units. The first night they slept on a bench outside a park in Seathwaite. It was bucketing down that night. The next morning, they ate some of their savings from the train.
They walked a long way and when they found an old garage they decided to stay there. If someone told them they had to move they would leave. They set up and till then his sister Madeline, would find a job somewhere. During those days, Jordan would play around and maybe find a couple of kids around the area. Jordan’s sister would come back everyday telling him the bad news. One day, she came back awfully late, Jordan was waiting for her and she did not come back till about ten o’clock. She ran straight at him and hugged him so tight he thought his intestines might pop out. “I’ve got a job!” She said excitedly. It was after ten months of constant trying she got a job at Pizza People as a cleaner. It paid £1000 a month. Jordan’s joy knew no bounds. Soon they could live in a house! They were getting at least two meals a day because Madeline would bring leftovers from work. Each month they were saving most of Madeline’s pay.
Finally, the moment Jordan was waiting for. It had been about five years of Madeline working and they decided to move into a house. Madeline went to the place, and got the house. For 225,00 pounds. They walked for two hours to reach the house and it was a joy to see. It was a small room apartment with a separate kitchen. They lived comfortably and their health was much better.
One day, there was loud yelling and fighting somewhere near their house. The witch was there fighting against… He was a man with broad shoulders. He was much older than the witch and was throwing the hardest pouches one has ever seen. He said in a determined voice, “Madeline and Jordan may have gone missing because of you but I will get them back once I finish you off. You may be my sister, but you have done me no good.” At hearing those words Jordan and Madeline ran to the battlefield their dad meant so much to them. Dad! Dad! They shouted and then gave him a tight hug. He fought the witch with all his strength. Madeline and Jordan joined the rest of their family, met up and then the witch pulled out her wand and shot Jordan’s father and the family’s anchor during tough times, had to breathe his last.